Tuesday, December 7, 2010

“Keep your holiday shopping meaningful by sharing an impact that will keep the philanthropic spirit alive well after the holidays are over.”

On Monday, December 06, 2010, Women of the World partnered with the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago, hosting a holiday party with purpose and passion.

A large group of women and supportive men celebrated the holiday season and contributed to United Way’s Adopt-A-Family program, donating gift cards and new toys.

This is United Way’s fifth annual Adopt-A-Family program, working with low-income families from around Chicagoland to ensure they are able to enjoy the holiday season. Because of the increased need, United Way hopes to help 110 families this year through this program. Individuals and companies can either pick a particular family to adopt or contribute to a pool of money to purchase gift cards, which are evenly distributed amongst the families.

The highlight of the evening was a performance by Betsey Means, founder of WomenLore. Her portrayal of Alicia Appleman-Jurman, a uniquely courageous young Polish Jewish girl who survived the Holocaust against all odds was extraordinary. “Alicia, My Story” is a story of dignity, survival, and strength.

Throughout December, Women of the World will offer suggestions for giving to those in need not only in our community but around the globe.

We begin with United Way’s program Adopt-A-Family .If you are interested in adopting a family please contact Gwen Sims at gsims@uw-mc.org or 312-906-2299.

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