Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just Say No to Human Trafficking

The Blue Blindfold Campaign

Human Trafficking happens all around the world, yet many are unaware of this type of modern day slavery. January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Month and Canada has launched an anti-trafficking ad campaign to encourage its citizens to take off their blind folds and open their eyes.

"Most are women and children and their cases often go unnoticed and unreported due to threats from offenders, language barriers or mistrust of authorities.” –Public Safety Minister Vic Toews.

Crime Partners has collaborated with both Public Safety Canada and the Royal Canadian Mountain Police’s Human Trafficking National Coordination Centre, for their Blue Blindfold campaign in the form of print ads, televised commercials and informational brochures, exposing the reality of this horrific crime to the light of day.

In the Blue Blindfold campaign, which has also been used in the UK, ordinary people are featured engaged in everyday activities while blinded to the human trafficking victims around them.
So many of us live our lives overlooking this issue. If we educate ourselves to the signs of human trafficking, we can bring awareness, save lives, and prevent this egregious crime. We encourage you all to remove your blindfolds, take a look around you and scream NO to human trafficking.

Visit http://www.blueblindfold.co.uk/ to find out more about the campaign and follow us on Twitter @womenwotw1 to see all of our latest updates about human trafficking.

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